On the subject of Love:

Songs, Romances and Serenatas

Guitar Concert by Tom Chalko

Mt Best Community Hall, Saturday 18 November 2023, 2pm
followed by Devonshire Tea provided by the Hall

The concert and afternoon tea are FREE, but please make a booking because the number of seats is limited and we need to plan catering. RSVP: TICKETS@MTBESTHALL.ORG or text Trish Newby on 0402 893 475. The Hall opens at 1:30.


Tom will enchant you with a selection of the most beloved melodies, romances, and serenatas in the history of music, complemented by his own recent compositions.

The program begins with famous 18th century Spanish Romance followed by the Canção de Amor da Floresta (Song of Love from the Forest of Amazon) by famous Brazilian composer Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887-1959). Then Tom will take you on a musical space-time journey through Spain, Catalonia, France, Poland, Germany, Brazil, Uruguay, medieval England and our beloved Australia.

The program features Serenata Española by Joaquin Malats (1872-1912), originally composed for piano and orchestra. Tom will play the Serenata on guitar with his own orchestra.

Best wishes from Mount Best and welcome !

More information and news article.

Photos from the concert

If you want to organize a concert or host a private guitar concert at your home, school or a kindergarten please contact Tom .

Explore Tom's past concerts and video recordings of Tom playing some of his compositions.

Beginning of Tom's composition "Somnium Pace" (Dream of Peace).
Explore sheet music