Sounds of the Centuries

Let's begin 500 years before Bach...

Guitar Concert by Tom Chalko with Mt Best cyber-orchestra
Mt Best Community Hall, Sunday 23 March 2025, 2pm
followed by light refreshments

Tickets $10. Please make a booking because the number of seats is limited and we need to plan catering. RSVP: or text Trish Newby on 0402 893 475. The Hall opens at 1:30pm.

Sounds of the Centuries

Tom Chalko guitar concert 23 March 2025

We begin in the 13th century, about 500 years before Bach, and conclude with music from the 21st century. The program will showcase some of the most iconic compositions that reshaped the course of music history and elevated the Spanish classical guitar to a prominent place on concert stages worldwide. Among these masterpieces is Concierto de Aranjuez (II Adagio), a work that has become a symbol of the guitar's emotional depth and global appeal. Detailed program (subject to changes) below:

View Program PDF on a tablet or a mobile phone

Tom performs annually free of charge for the benefit of Mt Best Hall Community Association.

Talk to Tom and enjoy light refreshments after the performance.

Best wishes from Mount Best and welcome !

More information and news article.

If you want to organize a concert or host a private guitar concert at your home or school please contact Tom .

Explore Tom's past concerts and video recordings of Tom playing some of his compositions.

Beginning of Tom's composition "Somnium Pace" (Dream of Peace).
Explore sheet music