Floor insulation

Insulated floor We built our RAL home on suspended floor, because a house with such a floor provides minimal possible footprint on the environment (no bulldozing). However, suspended floor can waste a lot of precious energy in winter, especially on windy days. For this reason we insulated the floor with aluminum foil based fiberglass wool […]

Solar heating

Reflective Solar Heating Heating our dwellings in winter is not only a source of pollution, but also costs money. Whether you use gas, firewood or electricity, you contribute to planetary pollution and pay for it too - one way or another. Photo above demonstrates how we use solar heating during cold winter days. A stainless […]

Power station

Power station Our power station at Mt Best captures renewable energy from wind and Sun. Our site is quite windy so we can count on wind power. Maximum wind speed reached 240 km/h in 2002. 100 km/h wind days are quite regular, especially in winter. Solar panels take over when there is no wind, like […]

Sustainable House features

House features Main features of our energy efficient house are:

Consciousness and Universe video

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